Add Audio
Version 1.4.0
Flame 2023 and later
Add stereo or 5.1 audio to selected sequences
Install through Logik Portal or to manually install download here: Logik Portal Dropbox.
When manually installing from Dropbox download the entire folder in the desired version folder of the script to be installed. That folder should then be moved into /opt/Autodesk/shared/python.
Older versions of this script for older versions of Flame are also available through the Dropbox link.
To add stereo audio to a sequence, select the sequence then select the audio clip to be added.
To add stereo audio to multiple sequences, select in sequence/audio/sequence/audio... order.
To add 5.1 surround audio to a sequence, select the sequence followed by all the audio channels(LF, RF, C, LFE, LS, RS, Stereo)
To add 5.1 surround audio to multiple sequences, select in sequence/all audio channels/sequences/all audio channels... order.
Order of 5.1 surround files does not matter when being selected.
When added to the sequence they will be put in this order: LF, RF, C, LFE, LS, RS, Stereo
5.1 surround file names must end with LF, RF, C, LFE, LS, RS, or Stereo. Case is not important.
Right-click selection of sequences and audio -> Audio -> Insert Stereo Audio - 01:00:00:00
Right-click selection of sequences and audio -> Audio -> Insert Stereo Audio - 00:59:58:00
Right-click selection of sequences and audio -> Audio -> Insert 5.1 Audio - 01:00:00:00
Right-click selection of sequences and audio -> Audio -> Insert 5.1 Audio - 00:59:58:00
v1.4.0 01.20.24
Updates to PySide.
Fixed scoping issue with Flame 2023.2+ menus.
v1.3.0 90.18.23
Updated to pyflame lib v2.0
v1.2 05.31.22
Messages print to Flame message window - Flame 2023.1 and later