Master Builder
Version 1.2.0
Flame 2023 and later
Assemble masters from clips/sequences in Reel Group
Install through Logik Portal or to manually install download here: Logik Portal Dropbox.
When manually installing from Dropbox download the entire folder in the desired version folder of the script to be installed. That folder should then be moved into /opt/Autodesk/shared/python.
Older versions of this script for older versions of Flame are also available through the Dropbox link.
Desktop with clips ready for assembly into masters
Desktop with new Master Reel and assembled masters.
Each reel should contain one part of the final master. For example:
Reel 1 - color bars
Reel 2 - slates
Reel 3 - edits
Reels that contain one clip will have that clip added to every master created.
Reels that contain multiple clips will cause the script to make a new master from each clip. For instance if there are: 1 2-second clip of color bars, 4 slates, 4 edits, and 1 1-second clip of black the script will create 4 edits with each one containing: color bars, a slate, edit, and 1 second clip of black.
Black is automatically inserted into timeline gaps between clips on the primary track.
Reels containing more than one clip must have an equal number of clips. If there are 4 slates, there should be 4 edits.
Other things to keep in mind:
All clips must have proper record timecode set for placement in timeline.
Each reel should contain either all clips or all sequences. Clips and sequences should not be mixed within the same reel.
Sequences can contain multiple tracks but not multiple versions.
Right-click on Reel Group -> pyFlame -> Master Builder
v1.2.0 02.06.24
Black is now automatically inserted into timeline gaps between clips.
Updates to UI/PySide.
Updated to pyflame lib v2.
Updated script versioning to semantic versioning.
Updated menu for Flame 2023.2.
v1.1 06.08.22
Messages print to Flame message window - Flame 2023.1 and later