Slate Maker
Version 4.9.0
Flame 2022 and later
Create slates from CSV file
Install through Logik Portal or to manually install download here: Logik Portal Dropbox.
When manually installing from Dropbox download the entire folder in the desired version folder of the script to be installed. That folder should then be moved into /opt/Autodesk/shared/python.
Older versions of this script for older versions of Flame are also available through the Dropbox link.
Example CSV and text node templates are included in the scripts example folder: /opt/Autodesk/shared/python/slate_maker/examples
Slate Maker Main Window
Slate Maker MultiRatio Main Window
CSV: Select CSV file
Template: Select Text Node template file. For the MultiRatio version, the folder containing text node slate templates of the different aspect ratios will be selected.
Slate Clip Name: Select how the created slate clips will be named. CSV column names can be used as token here.
Convert Spaces Button: This will convert any spaces in the csv field used for the Slate Clip Name into underscores in the slate clip name.
Date Format: Select desired format of dates to be shown in the slate if using a CURRENT_DATE column in the selected CSV. If the script find a column named CURRENT_DATE in the CSV and a <CURRENT_DATE> token is added to the text node template, the current date will be added to the slate using this format.
Create Ratio Folders: (Only in MultiRatio) This will create separate folders in the Media Panel for each aspect ratio being created
CSV File:
Each line of the CSV file will be used to build a slate. The column names are what will be used as tokens in the text node template. In the case of the CSV to the right, TITLE, TRT, ISCI, DATE, CLIENT, AGENCY and CURRENT_DATE would be added to the text node template as the tokens <TITLE>, <TRT>, <ISCI>, <DATE>, <CLIENT>, <AGENCY>. When the script is run, those tokens will be replaced by the value in each line as each slate is made. Any columns that don’t have a token assigned in the text node template will be ignored. There is no limit to the number of columns that can be used.
Adding a column named CURRENT_DATE will allow a <CURRENT_DATE> token in the Text Node Template to be replaced with the current date in the format specified in the Slate Maker main window. Using this is optional.
MultiRatio Slates: Create slates for multiple aspect ratios from one CSV
These additional steps should be done when using the multiratio option:
CSV must have a column named RATIO. It should have the aspect ratio for each slate. Such as 16x9, 1x1, 4x3.
Slate background clip names need to end with the aspect ratio. Such as: slate_bg_16x9
Text node templates should all end with the aspect ratio. Such as: slate_template_16x9
Text node templates for all the different aspect ratios should all be in one folder. The file browser for Multi Ratio selects a folder, not a csv file. Any number of aspect ratio templates can be in this folder. Only templates that correspond to selected background clip aspect ratios will be used. There should only be one template per aspect ratio in this folder.
CSV With Ratio Column
Text Node Template
The text node template is just a text node setup saved out as a ttg file. All the lines of the slate should be laid out with the desired positioning and font. To have a entry from a csv field added when the slates are created, create a token from the name of the column in the CSV. For example: To get the ISCI entry from the CSV into the slate, add <ISCI> to the line where that should appear. Any columns in the CSV that don’t have a token added to the text node template will be skipped. Any tokens added to the slate that don’t have a corisponding column in the CSV will remain unchanged when the slates are created.
Text Node Slate Template
Resulting Slate
Right-click on clip to be used as slate background -> Slates... -> Slate Maker
Right-click on selection of clips to be used as slate backgrounds -> Slates... -> Slate Maker - Multi Ratio
v4.9.0 01.25.24
Updates to UI/PySide.
Updated to pyflame lib v2.
Updated script versioning to semantic versioning.
v4.8 02.09.23
Updated config file loading/saving.
Fixed: Token button wasn't updating when csv is loaded. Script had to be restarted to update token button.
Added check to make sure script is installed in the correct location.
v4.7 06.06.22
Messages print to Flame message window - Flame 2023.1 and later.
Added Flame file browser - Flame 2023.1 and later.
v4.6 03.18.22
Moved UI widgets to external file
v4.5 03.06.22
Updated UI for Flame 2023
v4.4 11.16.21
Improved parsing of csv file
If current tab is MediaHub, switch to Timeline tab. Slates cannot be created in MediaHub tab.
v4.3 10.18.21
If path is typed into csv or template fields the browser will now open to those paths
Scrpit now saves last path selected in browser
Script now creates test clip to check for Protect from Editing. Gives warning if Protect from Editing is on.
v4.2 10.12.21
Added ability to create slates of different ratios from one CSV file.
A new menu has been created for this: Slates... -> Slate Maker - Multi Ratio
Added progress bar
Updated config to xml
v4.0 05.23.21
Updated to be compatible with Flame 2022/Python 3.7
v3.7 02.12.21
Fixed bug causing script not to load when CSV or ttg files have been moved or deleted - Thanks John!
v3.6 01.10.21
Added ability to use tokens to name slate clip
Added button to convert spaces to underscores in slate clip name
v3.5 10.13.20
More UI Updates
v3.4 08.26.20
Updated UI
Added drop down menu to select CSV column for slate clip naming
v3.3 04.03.20
Fixed UI issues in Linux
Main Window opens centered in linux
v2.6 09.02.19
Fixed bug - Script failed to convert multiple occurrences of token in slate template
Fixed bug - Script failed when token not present in slate template for column in csv file