Create Export Menus
Version 4.6.0
Flame 2022 and later
Create custom right-click export menu's from saved export presets. Each menu can have up to five presets associated with it.
After presets have been saved, they can be either edited or deleted in the Edit tab.
Install through Logik Portal or to manually install download here: Logik Portal Dropbox.
When manually installing from Dropbox download the entire folder in the desired version folder of the script to be installed. That folder should then be moved into /opt/Autodesk/shared/python.
Older versions of this script for older versions of Flame are also available through the Dropbox link.
Create Export Menus - Create Tab
Create Export Menus - Edit Tab
Menu Visibility: Choose whether the menu is visible for the current project only or shared with all projects.
Menu Name: Give a name to the menu that will appear in the right-click menu drop-down
Reveal in MediaHub: When selected, after the export is complete Flame will switch to the MediaHub and go to the export path
Reveal in Finder: When selected, after the export is complete, a finder window will open to the export path
Export Preset One, Two, Three, Four, Five: Up to five presets can be assigned to each menu.
Saved Preset Type: Select the type of saved preset to list in the Saved Presets menu
Saved Presets: Select desired export preset to be applied to menu
Export Path: Set path for export using tokens.
To create or edit export menus:
Flame Main Menu -> pyFlame -> Create Export Menus
To access newly created menus:
Right-click on clip -> Project Export Presets... -> Select export Right-click on clip -> Shared Export Presets... -> Select export
v4.6.0 01.21.24
Updated UI/PySide.
Fixed misc UI issues.
Fixed issue with Reveal in MediaHub/Finder buttons not updating in Edit tab.
Updated config file loading/saving.
v4.5.0 09.03.23
Update to pyflame lib v2. *** This update will cause old script menus to not work. ***
v4.4 04.20.23
Updated menus for Flame 2023.2+
Added 2024 preset version number.
Removed maximum version from preset menu template. This allows presets to be used with newer versions of Flame.
v4.3 08.22.22
Added duplicate button to Edit tab - Duplicates selected preset
v4.2 06.22.22
Messages print to Flame message window - Flame 2023.1 and later.
Updated browser window for Flame 2023.1 and later.
Setup window no longer closes after creating a new export preset.
Menu template updated - With template importing new pyflame_lib module, error appears during flame startup when loading menu presets. There errors can be ignored. Errors might be due to order flame is loading modules. Menus work fine.
v4.1 03.19.22
Moved UI widgets to external file
Added confirmation window when deleting an existing preset
v4.0 03.02.22
Updated UI for Flame 2023
Code optimization
Misc bug fixes
v3.7 01.03.22
Shared export menus now only work with the major version of Flame they're created with. This avoids errors when using a menu with a new version of Flame. For example a menu created with Flame 2022.2 will work with all versions of Flame 2022 but not 2021 or 2023. Shared export menus will now also only show up in versions of Flame that they will work with.
Added token for Tape Name to be used if clip has a clip name assigned
v3.6 11.02.21
Fixed shot name token translation to work with python 3.7 in menu_template
v3.5 10.13.21
Added button to reveal export path in MediaHub after export
Added button to reveal export path in finder after export
Export shared movie/file export presets not compatible with working version of Flame are not listed in list drop downs
Fixed: Exporting using time tokens would create additional folders if time changed during export
Removed leading zero from hour token if hour less than 10.
Added lower case ampm token
Shot name token improvements
Shot name token will now attempt to get assigned shot name from clip before guessing from clip name
Added SEQNAME token
v3.4 05.21.21
Updated to be compatible with Flame 2022/Python 3.7
v3.3 05.19.21
Edited menus now save properly
Shot name token fixed to handle clip names that start with numbers
v3.2 02.15.21
Python hooks refresh after deleting a preset
v3.1 01.19.21
Added ability to assign multiple exports to single right-click export menu
Added ability to edit/rename/delete existing export presets
When export is done Flame with switch to export destination in the Media Hub (Flame 2021.2 of higher only)
v2.1 09.19.20
Updated UI
Added Shot Name token to export path token list - Shot Name derived from clip name
Added Sequence Name token to export path token list - Seq Name derived from Shot Name
Added Batch Group Name token to export path token list - Can only be used when exporting clips from batch groups
Added Batch Group Shot Name token to export path token list - Can only be used when exporting clips from batch groups
Saved project export presets can now be found if project is not saved in the default location
Duplicate preset names no longer allowed - duplicate preset names cause preset not to work
v2.0 04.27.20
New UI
Tokens can be used to dynamically set the export path
Options to choose to export in foreground, export between marks, and export top layer
Menus can be saved so that they're visible in current project only and shared between all projects
v1.1 04.05.20
Fixed config path
Fixed problem when checking for project presets to delete