Import ST Map
Version 2.7.0
Flame 2022 and later
Imports ST Maps and builds ST Map undistort/redistort setup.
Comp work is recomped over original plate at end of setup.
Install through Logik Portal or to manually install download here: Logik Portal Dropbox.
When manually installing from Dropbox download the entire folder in the desired version folder of the script to be installed. That folder should then be moved into /opt/Autodesk/shared/python.
Older versions of this script for older versions of Flame are also available through the Dropbox link.
Right-click in batch or on selected node -> Import... -> Import ST Maps
v2.7.0 01.21.24
Updates to PySide.
v2.6.0 08.20.23
Updated to pyflame lib v2.
Updated script versioning to semantic versioning.
v2.5 03.28.23
Updated config file loading/saving.
Added check to make sure script is installed in the correct location.
Fixed resize node saving issue that causes script to fail in 2024.
v2.4 05.27.22
Messages print to Flame message window - Flame 2023.1 and later.
v2.3 03.15.22
Updated UI for Flame 2023.
Moved UI widgets to external file.
v2.2 02.17.22
Updated config to XML.
v2.1 01.04.21
Files starting with '.' are ignored when searching for undistort map after distort map is selected.
v2.0 05.19.21
Updated to be compatible with Flame 2022/Python 3.7.