Export Frame
Version 2.0
Flame 2022 and later
Export current frame or frames at markers from selected clips/sequences.
Install through Logik Portal or to manually install download here: Logik Portal Dropbox.
When manually installing from Dropbox download the entire folder in the desired version folder of the script to be installed. That folder should then be moved into /opt/Autodesk/shared/python.
Older versions of this script for older versions of Flame are also available through the Dropbox link.
Frames can be exported from player view or one or more clips can be selected in the MediaPanel.
When exporting multiple frames using markers, the selected export preset should use frame padding or timecode in the file name to avoid overwriting frames.
Export Frame Setup Window
Export Preset: Choose from saved presets. The default is set to use the Autodesk default jpeg settings.
Export Destination: Options to open a browser when exporting or to supply a custom path that can use tokens for exports.
After Export: Open a finder window to the path of the frames exported or have the MediaHub tab open to the path.
Flame 2022 - Flame 2023.1:
Flame Main Menu -> Logik Portal Script Setup -> Export Frame Setup
Flame 2023.2+:
Flame Main Menu -> Logik -> Logik Portal Script Setup -> Export Frame Setup
To Export:
Right-click on clip, sequence, or player view -> Export... -> Export Current Frame
Right-click on clip, sequence, or player view -> Export... -> Export Marker Frames
v2.0 02.04.23
Added check to make sure script is installed in the correct location.
v1.9 01.20.23
Updated config file loading/saving.
v1.8 01.13.23
Updated setup menu for Flame 2023.2+:
Flame Main Menu -> Logik -> Logik Portal Script Setup -> Export Frame Setup
v1.7 11.15.22
Frames can now be exported from Desktops and Batch Groups.
Added fix for 2023.2+ - One extra frame was being expoerted for every frame exported.
v1.6 07.12.22
Creates export directory if directory does not exist on export.
v1.5 06.07.22
Messages print to Flame message window - Flame 2023.1 and later.
Added Flame file browser - Flame 2023.1 and later.
v1.4 04.07.22
Updated UI for Flame 2023
UI Widgets moved to external file
v1.3 11.02.21
Fixed shot name token compatibility to work with python 3.7
v1.2 10.24.21
Removed custom path menus. Custom export paths can be turned on in Setup.
Known bug - right clicking on clip in schematic reel will cause flame to crash.
v1.1 10.12.21
Fixed SEQNAME token