Uber Save
Version 4.3
Flame 2022 and later
Save/Save Iterate batch group iteration and batch setup file to custom path in one click
Install through Logik Portal or to manually install download here: Logik Portal Dropbox.
When manually installing from Dropbox download the entire folder in the desired version folder of the script to be installed. That folder should then be moved into /opt/Autodesk/shared/python.
Older versions of this script for older versions of Flame are also available through the Dropbox link.
Older version:
Uber Save Preset Window
New: Create new preset
Edit: Edit selected preset
Delete: Delete selected preset
Duplicate: Duplicate selected preset
Save: Save selected preset as preset to be used with current project.
Preset: Shows preset set for current project. Presets with * next to the name is the preset set as the Global Default preset. By default this preset will be used for all projects unless another preset is selected here and then saved.
Uber Save Setup Window
Uber Save Preset Setup
Preset Name: Name for preset
Global Default: Set current preset as the Global Default. Enabling this will cause the current preset to be used by all Flame projects as the default setting for Uber Save. This can only be changed if there is more than one preset saved.
Root Save Path: Change to Custom Path if you want to save setups to a location that is not the location your Flame project is set to save to by default.
Custom Root Save Path: Enter a top level path here. Tokens can be used for this.
Batch Path: Set path for each batch setup to be saved to inside of either the Default Project Path or the Custom Root Saved Path.
Shot Name From: If using the shot name token in the Batch Path field this will tell the script how to use that token. Using Shot Name, the script will attempt to get the shot name from the batch group name. For instance it will assume the shot name for a batch group named PYT_0100_comp is PYT_0100. Selecting Batch Group Name will use the full name of the batch group as the shot name.
Flame Main Menu -> pyFlame -> Uber Save Setup
Uber Save current batch group:
Right-click in batch -> Uber Save -> Save Current Batch Group
Right-click in batch -> Uber Save -> Iterate and Save Current Batch Group
Uber Save multiple batch groups:
Right-click on desktop -> Uber Save -> Save All Batch Groups
Right-click on selected batch groups in desktop -> Uber Save -> Save Selected Batch Groups
Right-click on selected batch group in desktop -> Uber Save -> Iterate and Save Selected Batch Groups
v4.3 06.20.22
Messages print to Flame message window - Flame 2023.1 and later.
Added Flame file browser - Flame 2023.1 and later.
Preset window code cleaned up and moved to imported pyflame_lib.
Default preset can now be set in the preset window.
Uber Save menu was incorrectly showing up when right-clicking on batch groups saved in a desktop that is saved to the library. Batch groups can not be saved from the library. This menu no longer shows up.